The Memoir Method Podcast is a place for readers and writers to connect over the power of story. Underpinned by the Bookish Edits core belief—You have a story that matters—The Memoir Method Podcast will prove to listeners that anyone who wants to write a memoir can.
Most episodes are twenty minutes or less, designed to deliver perspective, encouragement, and tangible tools that will ensure progress and momentum in your own memoir writing.
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Explore more podcast episodes below!
66: Memoir Structure Isn’t Your Problem
This is an episode for the writer who keeps searching for the perfect structure. You have rewritten the same sections over and over. You've worked on flow. You've adjusted pacing. You've been rewriting and rewriting and rewriting, but you still don't feel finished. You still don't feel like you're ready to move on to the next stage. So this episode is for you, my friend.
65: You’re Not a Bad Writer
This episode is about a writer who was worried about the wrong things when it came to her memoir. She thought that her writing was the problem, when really the vision behind her manuscript was foggy. I want to take you behind the scenes of my high-level editing work and show you how to figure out what your actual problem is (because it’s not that you’re a bad writer).
64: Why Your Memoir Feels Messy (and What to Do about It)
This episode is for the writer who stares at their computer screen wondering what to do next. You scroll through your manuscript document and feel at a loss for how you actually need to be spending your time. You’re at the stage where everything about your manuscript feels messy—and it is. Today we’re going to decode that for you and give you your next right step when it comes to your writing and editing.
63: How I Halved a 150K-Word Manuscript
This episode highlights a writer’s experience applying the principles I teach and implement with my writers. It is for the writer who has written a LOT. Like, thousands and thousands and thousands of words. Writing that much material can eventually feel crippling, and then you’re sitting there, staring at your computer with no idea what to actually do with it. Today I’m sharing a story of a writer I worked with, and we took her 150K-word manuscript and halved it.
62: Why Free Advice Will Sabotage Your Memoir
This episode is for the writer burned out on Google searches. You’ve Googled “memoir advice” so many times that you know what to expect in that first page of search results. You may have even found this podcast through a search like that! Before you waste any more time combing through free memoir content, I want you to take a step back and assess what is actually helping you. That’s what this episode is all about, and I’m excited to dive into with you.
61: The Writer Drowning in Free Advice
This episode highlights a writer’s experience applying the principles I teach and implement with my writers. I’m talking today about a writer who had tapped into every free piece of content she could find—and it kind of backfired on her. I’ll show you what she was doing, what mindsets and perspectives we shifted, and how that impacted her memoir manuscript.
60: Your Blindspots Are Killing Your Memoir
This episode is for the writer who doesn’t know what she doesn’t know. If you are feeling stuck, feeling that block, but can’t put your finger on why, then you’re probably right in the middle of a blindspot. And the hard thing about blindspots is that they can sabotage your memoir without you even realizing it. I want to dig into that today and shine some light on what you might not know you don’t know.
59: This Writer Figured Which Stories Matter to Her Reader
This episode highlights a writer’s experience applying the principles I teach and implement with my writers. I’m talking about a writer who, like many of you, came to me with tens of thousands of words but no direction for them. I want to tell you about how she took those words and used an editorial strategy to make sense of the draft that she’d already written.
58: What to Do with Your Shitty First Draft
This episode is for the writer who has what novelist Ann Lamott has coined the “shitty first draft.” You’ve written thousands and thousands of words, and truth be told, it’s not that great. But what do you actually do with a shitty first draft? That’s what I want to talk about today.
57: How One Author Went from Crickets to Published Memoir
This episode highlights a writer’s experience applying the principles I teach and implement with my writers. I’m talking to the writer who wants to be an author, holding their published book in their hands and connecting with real readers on the other side. I’ll share insights and breakthroughs a past writer of mine had when we worked together when she came to me frustrated that her completed manuscript wasn’t getting any takers, from readers or agents.
56: Why Not Everything in Your Memoir Actually Matters
This episode is for the writer who is operating under the misconception that every single detail and story has to be included in her manuscript for her memoir to be true. This is a common misunderstanding about memoir, and the truth of this is that if you can create an editorial strategy or filter for your manuscript, it will be clear which stories belong in your memoir and which ones don’t. I’ll explain more in the episode. Let’s get into it!
55: Why Your Readers Don’t Want to Read Your Memoir
This episode is for the writer who has received some lackluster feedback. Maybe she’s already invested in an editor, but they didn’t tell her how to fix any of the manuscript’s problems. This episode is all about the importance of developing an author’s perspective and how that will translate into the work you do in revisions. Let’s get into it.
54: The Real Reason Your Memoir Manuscript Is Overwhelming
This episode is for the writer who is over-editing and over-writing (you know who you are!). You look at the same paragraphs over and over and think if you just tweak it a little more you’ll find the sweet spot. But what ends up happening is that you actually just spend your time in the same passages not making any real progress at all. This episode is for you.
53: What You Don’t Know About Memoir (That You Might Not Know You Don’t Know!)
This episode is for the writer who has too much story. She’s starting the year with a burst of energy and motivation, but when she sits down to open her draft she freezes. She can’t find the focus of her story, and that feeling of being lost is quickly crowding out any motivation she had at the beginning of the month. This episode is for you. Let’s get started.
52: Write a Page-Turning Memoir with This One Tool
This episode is for the writing terrified of her revisions. She’s looking down the barrel of what she’s written with no idea how to make sense of it. I know exactly what she’s missing, and this puzzle piece will create a domino effect in the revisions process that makes everything make sense.
51: The Secret to a Successful Developmental Edit
This episode is for the writer who wants more from her editor. She wants not just someone who can smooth her prose and correct her commas; she wants an editor who is a partner throughout the writing and revisions process. She wants an editor with whom she can have a relationship, not just someone she sends her manuscript to in one email and receives it back in the next. There are many ways to experience an editor, and today I’m talking about mine.
50: Behind the Scenes of 1:1 Memoir Editing
This episode is for the writer who feels passionately about her story but feels overwhelm creeping in, because she doesn't know what she doesn't know. She knows that something is off in her manuscript but can't pinpoint what she needs to fix. She's new to the editorial process and wants to know more about what she's getting into. She wants to feel supported and empowered throughout the entire editing experience. This episode is for you.
49: The One Skill Memoir Writers Need to Cultivate
This episode is for the writer ready to write smarter, not harder. She’s Googled all the things, watched all the YouTube videos, and knows that she’s missing something. What she doesn’t realize yet is that she has all the information she needs—she just needs a new way of looking at it. I’m really excited for this episode, so let’s go!
48: The Process I Used to Unblock My Writing and Pump Out 10K Words in 30 Days
This episode is for the writer who has stalled out. She’s made some progress, is committed to the process, but doesn’t know why writing has felt so hard lately. She needs something different, but she isn’t sure what that needs to be. This episode is for you. Let’s get into it.
47: The 3 Blocks That Will Stop You From Finishing Your Memoir
This episode is for the writer who feels stuck and overwhelmed. You want to work on—and even finish!—your memoir. But you're feeling blocked and don't know how to move through it. In my years of working with writers, I've noticed a few self-sabotaging patterns that keep you in frustrating writing loop. In today's episode, I'll break that down and also go over how to choose the right editor (because that can be harder than you think!).