Will you edit my manuscript?
I’m a part-time freelancer who has to balance my work with my family. I wish I could take on every project that comes my way but do have to be selective about which manuscripts I take on. I value the author-editor relationship, and if you want to learn more about my approach and availability, head over to my contact page and we’ll chat.
What’s your favorite book?
You might as well ask me to pick a favorite child. But if you made me pick, I’d have to say East of Eden by John Steinbeck. (I even named my youngest after my favorite character from Steinbeck’s magnum opus.) The Harry Potter series will always have a spot in my heart, and anything by Fredrik Backman jumps to the top of my favorites list. More recent favorites include The Dearly Beloved by Cara Wall and A Place for Us by Fatima Farheen Mirza.
How do you rate your books?
I track and rate my books publicly on Goodreads and Instagram. I use a five-star system to rate my books, and quite honestly, my ratings are incredibly subjective. My rating of a book depends on my season in life, my mental health at the time I read the book, the story and characters, and the quality of the writing. Though my ratings are often at the whims of my mood-reading personality, I try to give multidimensional reviews that will help you know if a book is the right one for you.
Do you accept sponsorships?
I’m always open to partnerships and sponsorships. I will only agree to promote products and services that I legitimately enjoy and think are a good fit for my readership. For more on my sponsorship policy, head to my policy and disclosure page.
Where did you learn to edit?
I studied English and editing at Brigham Young University from 2006 to 2010. You can see a full list of my credentials and training here. When I was ready to relaunch my freelance career into something more robust, I found vast amounts of guidance from Mollie over at Mollie Reads and her e-course, Freelance Editing 101.