How to find time to write

How many times have you told yourself, “Today's the day I'm going to write!” . . . And then you don't. Despite your best intentions, you never feel like you have the time to just sit down and write. Your time feels out of your control. When someone tells you to “make the time,” you kind of know what they mean but you don't know how to do it.

If you want to make time, the best place to start is by crafting a writing practice: a simple routine and process customized to you and your life that makes writing effortless (or close to it). Lucky for you, creating this practice is simple, requiring that you evaluate just three elements:


Crafting a personalized and effective writing practice has everything to do with knowing how you’re wired. Knowing your energy cycles allows you to identify the times in a day, week, or month where you’re most suited to focus and write. Knowing how your environment affects you allows you to both set yourself up for success and pivot around the obstacles that inevitably crop up in a well-laid plan. And being aware of the expectations you have of yourself opens the door for intentional accountability.

Download my free writing guide, Time to Write, to start crafting your perfect writing practice today.


3 Ways to Move Through Writer’s Block


You can train yourself to be a writer.